
2023-01-22 08:43:58   来源:enturnitin.com




       May I come in? 我可以进来吗?


       Good morning/afternoon,dear professors. I am Han Meimei。教授们早上好/下午好,我是韩梅梅。


       I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview. It is a privilege to be here today。很高兴能通过笔试,有机会参加这次面试,很荣幸今天能跟你们谈话。

       I am greatly honored to attend this interview。我很荣幸参加这次面试。

       I am greatly pleased to attend this interview, My dear professors。我很高兴参加这次面试,亲爱的教授。

       It‘s a great honor for me to have this interview。我很荣幸参加这次面试。

       I am lucky to have the chance to attend this interview。我很幸运有机会参加这次面试。



        My name is Li Lei,22 years old.I graduated from XX.I majored in XX.I want to pursue my master's degree in XX here。我叫李雷,今年22岁。我毕业于XX学校,专业是XX。我希望能在这里学习,取得XX硕士学位。

       I am open-minded easy-going and enthusiastic. I am always willing to explore new things and easily cooperate with others。我心态开放、随和又热情。我喜欢探索新事物,也愿意跟他人合作。


        During my college years,I made great progress in academic development.Due to this hard work,I received many scholarships.I also served as a volunteer at some important events.These experiences really broadened my views and motivated me to continue my studies。在大学期间,我在学术方面取得了很大的进步。因为学习努力,也多次获得奖学金。此外,我还以志愿者的身份参与了很多大型活动。这些经历拓宽了我的视野,激励着我在学术研究道路上更进一步。



        I have significant interest in XX。我对XX(研究/专业)有着极大的兴趣。

        XX appeals to/attracts me a lot。XX(研究/专业)很吸引我。

        As I have a profound interest in XX,I am planning to get further education。我对XX(研究/专业)有着浓厚的兴趣,所以想进一步学习相关知识。


       I have a good command of XX.This will help me achieve more in this field。我的XX(知识/技能)良好,这也将在该领域的学习中帮助我取得更大的成就。


       I am planning to concentrate on study and research in this field.And I hope I can form a systematic view of XX and lay a solid foundation in my future profession after three years of study here。我想专注该领域的研究,希望我在3年的学习后,对XX能有一个系统的了解,为将来职业莫定坚实基础。




       I'm sorry I didn't hear that clearly.May l ask you to repeat it,please? 对不起,我没听清楚,您可否重复一遍呢?

       I beg your pardon.I don't understand your question。请原谅,我有点没懂您的问题。


       Excuse me.I guess I am not making myself clear.May l explain further? 对不起,我想是我自己没有表达清楚。我可以进一步解释一下吗?

       May I try to explain myself in another way。或许我能试着用另一种方式解释一下。


       Thank you for your compliment.I am far from perfect.I will continue to work hard in the future。谢谢您的夸奖,我还有很大进步空间,以后会继续努力。



       It's been nice talking with you,Professor。教授,和您交谈我感到很开心。

       Thanks for your talking with me。谢谢您和我进行交谈。


       If my application is successful,I assure you that I would make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me.Thank you very much。如果被录取,我一定再接再厉,不辜负您的期望,谢谢。

       If I have a chance to study in this famous university,I promise I will try my best to study.Thank you very much。如果我有机会在这所著名的大学学习,我保证我会尽我所能学习,谢谢。

       I'll expect your notification.Thank you very much。我期待着收到录取通知,十分感谢。

       I'll look forward to hearing from you。我将静候佳音。



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